Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Gaining Clarity about Just Asking

Goodmorning God,
Today, I have renewed hope. Why, because I have some clarity on what I desire. Of course, I continue to struggle with the "means" to facilitate this desire but I am becoming willing to ask for what I want.
This morning, I began allowing myself to really engage with the desire. I will elaborate later. It is the feeling that I get when I 'think through' this life scripted. This script feels energizing, wonderful and allows many possibilities for others' JOY. That part ( others JOY ) feels as important, if not more, than my own. Actually, others JOY is JOYful to me.


The best I can come up with, today, is trying to have no opinion on this. To have an opinion is, for me, the same as ego doubt. It is this doubt that, I Pray, is the illusion of fear. We fear - or shall I say, I fear, because I have not believed : ask and ye shall be given. Why would Jesus and other teachers attempt to help us remember this if it were not true? They would not!! Their interest in our rememberence is not filled with ego. NoONE would choose to raise hope by promising the impossible. Love does not ' play meanly ' with Love. It is the question of whether God is the big bad wolf or the LOVING CREATOR. Ego has done such a thorough job of convincing the sleeping ONES that God judges based upon the ego self. ego has created GOD in its' image.
I AM a portion of GOD SELF. Why then, would the SELF not WANT SELF to enJOY all parts of the journey of life? It is like my physical saying the arms may be ok but one leg must suffer. For any part of myself to suffer , the whole suffers. And so it IS with LOVE. For any part of LOVE to fear, all feel fear. I will not believe that the struggles of physical life are visited upon us - period. These perceived struggles are a product of fear - fear that has NO BASES!!!! We do this to ourself - period. This fear produces nothing more than suffering and this suffering does not get us a better place in "heaven", as ego teaches.
Today, I ask for the means to facilitate my JOY dreams here in physical. Ask and ye shall receive - I need do nothing more!!!
Peace to the world. I choose only Peace and Love - Lynn

My Joy will be to create a company of real estate holdings and even a small community theater in St. Matthews, if others co-create in this JOY. I am a loving leader and will put JOY before money and ego. The players I hope to co-create with are Emery ( in whatever way He feels JOYful) Beau, Sally and Ted, Robbie ( in theater ) Chris, Doug, Ashley, and Jacob. Even Leigh and Libby may find JOY in the theater by serving desserts or full menu - to be determined by their JOY. Also, there may be a way for Katie to enJOY the theater as hostess or ???. I am very anxious to share this possibility with these SOULS. It will be the greatest wonder of my life. Jesus, please stay with me as I move into this. I ASK that you help me SEE where ego gets in the way of JOY. Please stand in for my ego - thank you. Love always, Lynn
PS - I am willing to do the leg work. Please show me what my part is.

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