Wednesday, May 28, 2008


In the last post, I wrote about a new job. Indeed, I did go to this job for three (3) days. Two (2) situations seemed in place. First, I was becoming ill with allergies and respiratory infection and the job itself was unsatisfying. The respiratory issue was due to mold growing in our kitchen. Recently, we had a pipe leak under our kitchen floor. This was repaired and we thought no more about this. As I grew more and more reactive to allergy, I began to suspect mold, my most sensitive allergy. Indeed, this morning, a crew has uncovered this mold and mitigation will begin.
The job fell directly in the middle of this mold reaction and, at the time, I believed myself to fragile to go back to work. I discontinued my employment based upon two factors. One, the thought that I was ill and secondly that this job would be unsatisfying regardless. What I believed to be a challenging pursuit of funding, on behalf of cancer patients, turned out to be no more than order taking. The position required me to be tethered to a telephone and breaks and lunch were " on the clock" to the minute. I am just to old and have to much experience to enjoy this rigid experience.
So, I am now in the process of mold mitigation and back to the drawing board as it relates to employment. I am relieved to believe that I am NOT to fragile, physically, to work and will continue to look for something that is satisfying.
Tolle encourages all to be OK with uncertainty. To understand that life is a journey and not a predictable trip. Conceptually I understand and agree. Experiencially, I have yet to make that connection. I challenge myself to be OK with whatever comes up but what feels lacking in that is desire. I will ponder this aspect. For today, I am OK, even good. Today is all we have.
Peace to the world

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